Pagbilao's school

Duero's school

My name is Chadrick, I'm 11 years old.
I live in Pagbilao Quezon. In the Philippines, there are many animals like the Philippine eagle, the tarsier and others.
When you are an adult, I hope you will be well and I hope you will realize your dreams. Thank you
Chadrick, 11 -Hi, my name is Khen Dominic, I'm 11 years old.
I live in Barangay Tambak, Pagbilao Quezon, Philippines.
In the Philippines we have eagles, tarsiers, mountains, volcanoes, hills, trees like Narra, coconut, and banana. In the Philippines, many people are good, friendly and helpful. We have many places to visit.
What animals and plants are there in your country? Do you eat vegetables and fruits?
I wish you to be happy every day, to be strong and healthy.
Khen Dominic, 11 -Hello, how are you? My name is Lauren, I live in Pagbilao, Quezon.
Here in the Philippines, there are many mountains, like Mount Banahaw and others that have rice terraces (rice fields) that are visited a lot like the Banaue rice fields. There are also animals like the Philippine eagle and the Tarsier.
Are you good at skipping rope? Do you know how black holes are created in space? Can you describe your capital city or learn about it?
I wish you to be happy and safe every day of your life.
Lauren, 11 -Duero
My name's Myr, I'm 11.
Where I live, there are snakes, dogs, Chocolate Hills, hotels and restaurants.
Where you live, can you sing and dance? Do you have many friends, girl or boy?
When you grow up, I wish you to be an engineer or a doctor, to have many children who can help you.
Myr, 11 -Kamusta (Hi), my name is Jay Lance, I'm 12 years old.
Where I live, there's Calamay, tarsiers, the Chocolate Hills, chickens and cows.
Where you live, is that why they have whale sharks and tempura? Can you eat cows, sheep and kwek-kwek (doughnuts)? Is there a demand for bangka (Filipino sailing boats) and tarsiers?
When you grow up, I wish you to be rich, to have a lot of money and to be able to give money to the poor.
Jay Lance, 12 -