The recent school Mathilde Frappier de Montbenoit is located in the west of the Reunion Island, at Eperon, district of Saint-Gilles-les-hauts. We have an appointment with the class of Joëlle Marcel, CM1-CM2 (grade 4-5) who have prepared our come and who - to enter the classroom - must give the password of the day that is to say answer the question "On What theme are working Camille and Gordon today? ".
At the idea of manipulating technological equipment and using scientific terms, some students have sparkling eyes! The half-class experiments on the variations of the components of the air carry a great success. To ensure that the phenomena experienced are well understood, the group's spokespersons explain to the rest of the class what they have discovered. We easily find volunteers in this class trained to speak thanks to a teacher involved and inspired by Montessori pedagogy.
In a corner of the whiteboard, students' questions multiply. Their intellectual curiosity rejoices us but we try to keep the thread of our workshops! We record and test teachers' advice in this area!
For the workshop "Correspondence with children elsewhere", we begin by the basics on the world map! Indeed, growing up on a French island far from main France and Europe, a young Reunionese has every reason to be confused between continents, countries and regions. Reunion students answer questions from a Dieppe class before writing a letter to Ethiopian schoolchildren we will meet in March.
In this school, the class of CE2-CM1 (grade 3-4) also welcomed the « Effet Libellule » for one day. The teacher of this class, Elise Bonnet, has contributed to the setting up of the educational workshops of the « Effet Libellule » thanks to her precious pedagogical advice.