- Ah no mister, the helicopter doesn't pollute!Class in chorus
After one hour of bus and 420 turns, 5 hours of hiking and 1300 m of elevation gain, we arrive at La Nouvelle, the largest islet (village surrounded by mountains) in the heart of Mafate, the only circus (geological formation around the Piton des Neiges) inaccessible by road. The inhabitants are supplied daily by helicopter.
In this village of 150 inhabitants, the school is organized in 2 classes: the first for kindergarten and CP (grade 1) and the second one for CE1 to CM2 (grade 2 to grade 5). Students then have to join "the downs" for entry into Secondary school. The director proposes that the CPs join the class "big" for the « Libellule days ». So with 16 students we realize the different workshops. The largest and the smallest participate very actively, while the big sister of grade 5 watches over the little brother of grade 1.
In a school where the hiking trail replaces the road in front of the school gate, students live in a preserved natural environment. However, some - inspired by television shows - have the same desires as children from the coast: become wedding planer, travel around the world ...
With the youngest, Camille buried various garbage in the school garden to observe the evolution over time. Meanwhile, the older ones took over the environmental measuring station with Gordon. Installed on the wall of the school, it will allow them to record daily variations in temperature, humidity, pressure or CO2 concentration. Finally, the whole class is committed to learning about the protected species within Mafate. To better understand its environment to give meaning to its protection, this is the « Libellule days ».
Those 2 days have been made possible thanks to the financial support of the LEADER program from the UE and the region Réunion.