-Plutonium, Nickel, Uranium! Hugo, 11
After a month in the Philippines, we find a french speaking environment in New Caledonia. But it is at the James Cook International School of Noumea that we work with the class Grade 6. Here, classes are taught in French and English from the Kindergarden to the HIghschool; and children and teachers come from different backgrounds (Philippines, Canada, Brazil, Australia ...). We find the Anglo-Saxon influence both in the distribution of students by "houses" (here not Slytherin or Gryffindor but Eagles and Phoenix), than in the Monday morning gatherings to honor students who have won a contest or to remind the rules.
In this school where projects and outings are the teaching standard, we are welcomed by a dynamic director and a team organized in the excitement of the projects.
Accustomed to speaking and sharing their opinions, we are dealing with very spontaneous children. We had to channel this energy so that everyone finds his place. Whether minerals or space, interests are varied and knowledge is sharp! Their easy access to the Internet and instant information networks has developed a keen critical spirit.
"Aaaaah! Okay ! CO2 is 1 carbon and 2 oxygens! "
Some students show an important desire to understand the surrounding world. Attention is at its peak when explaining the chemical composition of the air.
We discover children who are very enlightened about the world around them thanks to numerous family or school trips. We measure this knowledge in geography workshops. However, the exercise of the correspondence puts forward for some a difficulty to imagine the daily life of children who do not share the same conditions of life and the same environment as them. Corresponding with Filipino and Sri Lankan children then represents another opening to the world.
These students from Nouméa are aware of the major environmental issues. Selective sorting is not an automatism on this island, which has few recycling facilities, but children are aware of the problem of waste.
They are also sensitive to the life of the lagoon that borders their city. The marine ecosystem that includes sharks is familiar to them and they want to protect it. "Avoid using polluting sunscreen" is one of the commitments voted by the class. Among these students accustomed to express themselves and to live varied experiences, we easily find 2 volunteers to accompany us to the Antenna of the local Radio, "Nouvelle Calédonie La Première". Listen again to the Terre Passion show where we were invited: Click here to listen it.